MO: Doniphan men accused of killing sex offender, burning his body

DONIPHAN, Mo. — Two Doniphan men were charged Tuesday night after authorities say they admitted they shot a sex offender to death and burned his body in April.

Matthew Brandon Bruce, 29, and Michael G. “Mick” Harris, 59, were charged Tuesday with the first-degree murder, armed criminal action, tampering with physical evidence and abandonment of a corpse. Full Article

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Tragic. I already found some inflammatory comments about the victim; as if somehow he deserved it. The victim was 34 and convicted in 1998. He was only 16 at the time of conviction. This could’ve been a case of a Romeo/Juliet offense.

how did they find out he was a SO if he was not on the MO registry ? but anyway this is as sad all hell , truth be told there are most likely many more bodys of SO’s in the state of MO , folks from the Midwest and northeast will try to sell CA on BS like tier systems , they act like some kind of a cult , and that cult seems to be spreading fast , poor dude had now where to run

No one commenting on that article realized that the person was only 16 when convicted.

Just hearing this story makes the registry “Punitive”. Any person who has served his/her time should not have to look over their shoulder wondering when it is their turn to be attacked.
This is so sad that there are actually people in society who believe it is right to kill someone just because that persons information is posted and available for all to see. Eliminate posting information. Do you think these killers would take the time to go to the Sheriff’s department to request information on the RC and then go kill him? Then drag him behind the truck…then burn the body? I don’t think so. But I guess there are still people who are that stupid. Maybe they were in-bred.

Most “Tiered” system schemes post too much info online on 2’s and 3’s and some even tier 1’s….It needs to go back to only the police have the information. Then after 17 years, you completely are dropped from the registration punishment. Those murders have just as much of a chance of committing a sex offense as the RC who is offense free after 17 years.

Michael Harris’s wife should have been charged with accessory to murder. She initiated the bull crap along with her husband by calling in harassing the family. You think she didn’t know about the murders? I suspect she did

nomore said “What’s funny is you think tiered is constitutional to begin with, then there’s the idea that placing someone on a tier makes a bit of difference to the public. I was in a tiered system and I can’t remember one time someone said “Oh dude, I’m sorry for the misunderstanding, I missed your tier 1 designation.. You can have your job back!” lol

You people are completely out of touch with reality.”

I don’t think anything about a registry of Americans is constitutional or fair. So allow to correct myself and say that tiering, as well as anything else in life, should be the least unconstitutional as possible and the least unfair as possible.

KK writes “So a Californian lifetime registrant should not be surprised if his new state decides to bump him up because the state decides to do AWA or state legislators just felt lie changing the registry”

If the new state agreed to put him on a lower tier and the registrant moves to that state, establishs a life there, they would understandably be appalled by this unconstitutional increase in punishment. If the registrant does not pose a threat which is over 99% of the time, then these new unconstitutional increases in punishment hurt real victims who are victimized as a result of the false sense of security created around non-registrant sex offenders who commit over 95% of new sex crimes, from so much focus on RSO’s. Look at the California Runner-founded Desert Christian Academy molestations as an example of a false sense of security. What states allow California registrants to go on lower registration duration tiers, Kris? Do you know of any examples or is this just a hypothetical?